Why You Shouldn’t Skip the HVAC in a Home Renovation

If you’re considering undertaking a home renovation, don’t forget to address the HVAC system. Maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home is essential and ensuring that your new additions – like new walls and floors – are properly air-sealing. In addition, you can avoid potential moisture problems and additional damage down the road by addressing the HVAC system before other repairs or additions.

What is an HVAC system and why is it important?

The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is responsible for maintaining the temperature and humidity in a building. When installed correctly, an HVAC system can save energy costs and help improve the comfort of occupants. Conversely, an improperly installed or malfunctioning HVAC system can increase energy costs and decrease the comfort of occupants. In order to ensure the proper operation of an HVAC system, it is important to understand its components.

An HVAC system typically consists of four main parts: the air handler, ductwork, registers, and coils. An air handler is a large machine with fans to move air throughout the building. The ductwork routes the heated or cooled air to the registers, where it flows into small rooms known as apartments or offices. Finally, the coils distribute heat throughout the room by dissipating heat through metal surfaces.

Benefits of having an HVAC system in your home renovation

Regarding home renovations, having an HVAC system is a key part of ensuring you have comfortable temperatures all year round. Here are some key benefits of having an HVAC system in your home:

  • An HVAC system can keep your home at a comfortable temperature all year round. This is especially important if you live in a cold climate where the temperature can drop drastically at night or during winter.
  • An HVAC system can also keep your home cool on hot days. If you don’t have an AC unit, using fans to circulate air will help to keep the house cool.
  • An HVAC system can also help to reduce the amount of humidity in the air. A humid atmosphere is not only uncomfortable, but it can also increase the chances of respiratory problems.

When should you install an HVAC system in a home renovation?

An HVAC system is a vital part of any home renovation, but choosing the right time to install one is essential. Here are some guidelines:

  • If you’re renovating an existing home, it’s best to wait until the entire project is completed and the home has been insulated and dry-fitted for accuracy. This way, you won’t have to worry about making changes later.
  • If you’re building a new home, installing an HVAC system during construction will minimize pest and humidity problems down the road.
  • In between renovations, always keep your HVAC system serviced and replace air filters as needed. Doing so will help ensure optimum performance during your next renovation.

Why should you not skip the HVAC in a home renovation?

The decision to install or replace your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is a big one that can significantly impact your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Here are six reasons why you should not skip the HVAC in a home renovation:


A poorly installed or old HVAC system can leave you feeling hot and sweaty all year round. A properly functioning system can keep your house at a pleasant temperature all year round, making it much more comfortable to live in.

Energy efficiency:

A properly working HVAC system can keep your home comfortable and reduce energy bills. A poorly installed or old system can result in higher utility bills (and also a more expensive replacement)

Safety concerns:

A poorly installed HVAC system can put you and your family at risk of serious harm. A properly installed system will protect you from carbon monoxide poisoning and other health risks.

Home value:

A properly functioning HVAC system can increase the value of your home. A poorly installed or old system can make your home less valuable than it could be.


A properly installed HVAC system is meant to last a long time. A poorly installed or old system can make your home more susceptible to damage.

Service life:

A properly installed HVAC system can last up to 20 years or more. A poorly installed or old system can make your home less durable and short-lived.


It is important to remember that a home renovation should not just be about updating the exterior look but also updating the HVAC system. By updating the HVAC properly, you can ensure that your home is comfortable all year long and that you are not putting your family at risk for illness.

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